The fear of needles is a common one, and it is estimated that up to 25% of people have a phobia of needles. With the ever-increasing importance of school vaccinations, being afraid of needles can pose a growing issue for children and may prevent them from getting their necessary shots.

So, what do you do if your child is afraid and not responding well to needles? Here are a few things that you can do to help your child better understand why needles are necessary, safe, and not as scary as they first assumed.

Be Informed And Inform Your Child

One of the best things you can do to help your child with their phobia of needles is to ensure that you both have all the information you need.

Take the time to research vaccines and thoroughly understand the process, which will help to ascertain if a particular vaccine is suitable for your child. During your research, check the credibility of your sources and ensure that the information you gather is from an authoritative source.

Once you’re thoroughly informed about vaccines and immunisations, have a short discussion with your child about needle-delivered vaccines and their necessity, reassuring them that the pain and discomfort they may feel after getting a shot is only temporary.

Talk About Their Concerns

Sometimes just talking it through is the best way to handle a situation. If you have a child that is deeply distressed about the thought of getting their shot, it would be beneficial to sit down with them and talk about why they are so afraid.

Generally, a fear of shots can stem from previous experiences. Sometimes talking about those experiences can go a long way towards overcoming their worries or at least prevent them from developing further.

At other times, the fear can be one of sharp objects or pain. Once again, openly discussing such fears and concerns can help to put things into perspective and assist your child in better managing their aversion to needles.

Be Honest With Your Children

Occasionally, what makes injections a poor experience for children is unmet expectations due to being dishonest with them.

Some parents may try to make vaccinations sound a lot easier and less painful than what the experience actually is, and the unexpected shock can further exacerbate their fear if your child isn’t prepared for it.

Instead of convincing your child that injections are quick and painless, be honest about what will happen. Tell them that they will experience a brief sting that will last for a few seconds, and reassure them that the pain won’t be there for very long.

Being honest with them about the process can allow them to mentally prepare for what is to come and manage their experience, even if it doesn’t wholly alleviate their fears.

Know When to Use Distractions

There are a few ways to slightly distract your child without catching them off guard during a jab. If your child is about to have a jab, make them aware that the shot is going to happen, but try to focus their attention on something else – for example, by talking to them.

For younger children, diverting their attention away from the needle through a game, with a screen, or even showering them with affection and physical contact can be enough to get them through the shots quickly and easily.

Helping Your Child With Their Phobia Of Needles

A fear of needles is common in both adults and children, so be gentle with your kids when approaching the situation to ensure that their vaccinations and other shots are well received.

Be open and honest with your children about what is to come, and explain why vaccinations are required for their health and safety. Most importantly, listen to their concerns and discuss the process with them without passing judgement. It may not altogether remove their fear, but it can certainly help improve the situation and give them the courage to face it head-on.

Coolaroo Clinic is here to assist you in overcoming your child’s fear of needles. Our caring paediatrician will walk your child through the injection process and offer advice on how you can help your child overcome their fear of needles and shots. Get in touch if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment with us!